Michele Kipplen is a Commercial Freelance Photographer. She specializes in photographing your business and you in the best light.
She photographs people for headshots, properties for agents, and food for various restaurants.
Her clients hire her to utilize the images for their websites, social media, print media, and property listing sites.
Some of her accomplishments include photographing for TEDxDetroit 2 years in a row, becoming the official photographer for Annual Waterville Rotary Blues, Brews & Brats events for the last 4 years.
She is also the lead photographer for the Artists Village at the Metroparks Toledo Botanical Gardens called PACT Paparazzi.
She has been published in local magazines and advertisements such as Toledo Real Producers Magazine and Indi Kids Magazine.
She routinely photographs real estate properties for local agents thru Windowstill.com
She remains very active within the community continually capturing photographic moments for annual events.
She is a President and past board member of the Photo Arts Club of Toledo and an active member of the Toledo Camera Club.
When Michele is not photographing she enjoys spending time with her daughter and husband, camping, hiking, and kayaking.